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Open letter to George Clooney regarding his fiance’s comments

It is inconceivable to me that anyone could possibly question Israel’s right to defend itself against the Hamas terrorists who have been bombing Israel with missiles by the thousands for decades. Finally Israel is fighting back.  It is not Israel’s blame that Hamas uses Palestinian children as Human Shields, it is only Hamas’ responsibility. The … Continue reading

  •   By Spencer A. Lehmann, RHU Within two months of his inauguration, President Barack Obama went back on his most strident campaign promise, Transparency. ObamaCare was created using the most corrupt measures possible. Secret backroom deals cut with Big Pharmacy, the AMA, the NEA, Unions in general, Bribes to Senators Ben Nelson and Blanche Lincoln, Threats of loss of Committee Chairmanships by the Leaders of both Houses (Representative Nancy Pelosi and Senator Harry Reid) to their Members. Yet, that is NOT why ObamaCare will fail, and it will, soon. ObamaCare will fail because there is no mechanism in place to assure its stability. No insurance plan can survive if there is not an adequate “Spread of Risk”. The Individual Mandate in ObamaCare, designed to “force” all Americans to participate on threat of being severely financially “punished” if an individual or family refused to participate and create the needed healthy Spread of Risk, was created with no substantive “Teeth”, as it would be too “hard to sell”. Beginning in 2014, the tax/fine for not carrying ObamaCare is 1% of AGI (Adjusted Gross Income). Thus, if a family of four making $80K AGI fails to carry ObamaCare, they will pay $800.00 in fines. By 2017 that fine will have increased to the maximum of $2,100.00. The cost of ObamaCare insurance will be somewhere between $15K and $25K for that family per year. Those not carrying insurance today will certainly not opt to pay $20K when they can skate by for $1000. Simultaneously, beginning in 2014, all Insurance Carriers must Guarantee Issue the policies. A person can wait until the doctor tells them they have Cancer, apply for a policy, and (during the Open Enrollment period) be immediately covered. That’s the law. Therefore, while the companies will not get all of the healthy risks, yet must insure those not healthy, claims will skyrocket, as will premiums to the Insurance Purchasing Public. There are already many components of ObamaCare in place, I.e. the MLRs (Minimum Loss Ratios), meaning that the net profit to the companies has been greatly reduced (that's good by me, as long as the Requirements for the Public to Participate are equally as strong… They are not). Primary Care Physicians on Medicare have already seen a severe reduction in their reimbursements by Medicare as Obama literally stole $716 Billion from Medicare to fund ObamaCare. I’m on Medicare and two of my Medicare Doctors have already left the system, one in Seattle, one in Palm Springs. Rx’s have been restricted on Part D of Medicare because of the loss of funds to Medicare. 

So, what happens now, as the Individual Mandate, which was supposed to be the “Skeleton” that supports ObamaCare has no teeth, and is a façade of stability instead of a true system of “Bones” to hold it in place? ObamaCare will implode. It will crumble within the next few years, and America will be in very deep economic trouble when this Several Trillion dollar program becomes a many Trillion-dollar loss to our Economy, many millions more people are left without coverage than ObamaCare was created to help, and America will be facing another incredibly serious Recession, if not a Depression. Remember, Barack Obama promised “US” that the PPACA would cost no more than $976 Billion, and is now up to over Two Trillion Dollars in anticipated costs. The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) told “US” that when Obama & Company first submitted the numbers to actuarially compute the cost, important figures were not included, thus,  “Garbage in, garbage out”. I am probably among relatively few in America who has read the vast majority of the 2,700 page long Law. I have not read the “in excess” of 20,000 pages of Regulations, and have no plans to do so.   

One third of the law, literally 900 pages, are IRS tax code. Many of those who were originally in favor of ObamaCare are now opposed to the law, as they finally found out “What’s in it”, which Representative Nancy Pelosi, then Speaker of the Democratic Party controlled House, did NOT want anyone to know until it was made law. – 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV-05TLiiLU.   Senator Max Baucus, considered to be the primary architect of the PPACA, recently stated that ObamaCare will be a “Trainwreck”.  That Trainwreck is rapidly moving down the tracks, heading straight for US. ObamaCare was an irresponsible, no “Due Diligence” performed, very poorly developed plan built on corrupt deals, and is a law that should never have seen the light of day. We needed serious Insurance Reform to address issues like Cancellations, Policy Rescissions, and “Pre-existing” Condition clauses, as well as “Rate Increases” that were not justified. We most certainly did not need this horribly constructed mistake. This really isn’t at all hard to compute. It’s simple math. One plus one equals two. That simple lesson, which we are all taught as children, was not employed in the calculating of the costs of ObamaCare. Not even the “New” math was employed. ObamaCare was “erected” as a House of Cards, and will fall almost as quickly. Spencer A. Lehmann is a Registered Health Underwriter (RHU), whose company, Lehmann/Wood & Associates, Inc., specializes in Group and Individual Long Term Care insurance and Medicare Supplemental Coverage.   Mr. Lehmann retired from his company in 2005 and now spends his time writing on Health Care Insurance and Political Issues, both of which have encompassed over 40+ years of his life.  He has been an actively involved member of the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) since 1978, and serves on the Board of Directors of several Charitable Organizations’ helping Special Needs Children, and Inner-City Children to experience and participate in the world of the Arts and Music.  In his free time he plays golf with his wife, Fran, who usually wins.